Something I have been ....


Tiny Tank Club A+ Member
Just wondering ?? When I add my top off water, for about 3 hours or so afterwards I get this white-ish color to the inside glass... I just started to notice it and cant figure it out. It clears right up in about 3 hours or so.
I have been adding water alomst every 2 days now with the weather being hot and it sucks that it turns white-ish right after. I marked the tank so I know when the salinity reads 1.026 then I add about a gallon which brings it right around 1.024/1.025.
Does this happen to anyone else ???? :grumble:
Nope,I don't recall ever seeing it.

Like a ring around the tub,lime deposit,calcium deposit where the water evaporated and leaves a ring?
nope reef, not around the rim, in the actual tank. If you loo at the tank, you would think that the water is couded up, but it is only on the inside glass. It's wierd. Take a look with only the atinics on.......

I agree with biff. I never have noticed a white color, but when you add fresh to salt it get blurry looking till it mixes.
Are you using Kal or reef buffer with your topoff? If you put too much in it can cause an ionic imbalance which causes the cloudiness.
when I started the tank I used Instant Ocean. When I do water changes I use Natural Seawater from my LFS so I dont have to mix. It is easier for me this way since I have a smaller tank because it come in 2.2 gallon or 4.4 gallon containers.
If the salinity or temperature of the new water is different from your tank water, it can make it appear cloudy. Not a big deal though.
this is only when adding fresh top-off water. And it last for a day or so then disappears. But by the time it disappears,it;s time to add more top-off !!