Some more questions.


Reef enthusiast
I have a few more questions: what other methods are there besides the bioballs for filter system on a BioCube 14g? i've read that they're a bigger pain than anything. i've just bought a protein skimmer which is on the way so i think I'm on the right track. when i need to adjust something in the water how do i go on doing that? do i need something special to clean my hands with to prevent anything getting into the tank. i was told by a lfs to just use baking soda to clean/kill everything bad off your hands. I know I need a hydrometer and a better thermometer would there be anything else i need? thanks for all the advice lil matty here are some more pics.


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I had a saltwater 14 gal biocube for about 6 months (now have a goldfish in it) You don't need filtration, get rid of the bioballs. You live rock will act as filtration and you will need to keep up with water changes.
What are you referring to with "adjust something in the water?" Just wash your hands well, but, really, your hands shouldn't be in the tank much. Mine always are though and I don't do anything special besides I no longer slather my arms with lotion.
Get a good refractometer; salinity can swing fast in a little tank. Forget the hydrometer.
Do you have a liquid test kit? This is important. With a smaller tank things can change quickly and have negative effects; so monitoring levels diligently is important.
Great pics; are you cycling right now?
Ok so just take the bioballs out of the back. And adjust something like i need to put in a new powerhead and take out the thermometer for a better one. What would be a good not very expensive refractometer? And it came with a API saltwater test kit. Here's the last test taken on 10/26/11. The tank was alright going and I just bought it from a friend. So, its already cycled. But waiting to make sure it is. patience is key. To make sure I got water changes correct. a regular siphon and hose like freshwater do just fine? Do i just do the top of the water or go all the way down to the bottom. Thanks for the advice cant wait to get a fish and don't want to kill the lil guy.


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Yup, as long as you don't have anything living in there, just scrap those bioballs. And the blue sponge that is under the pump too, if yours still has it. As long as you don't have chemicals,lotions, perfumes on your hands you are ok to adjust things in the water. I just wash with soap and rinse really well before and after.
Now, on to the tank; Did the friend have livestock in it? Is that the sand and rock they had? How long was the tank set up? I ask because, you want to make sure that something kicked off and completed the cycle, so that it doesn't happen when you add a fish. If they just had the sand and rock and water the tank may have never cycled.
You have a heater? A powerhead? The little koralia is perfect for the biocube. Check out amazon for a refractometer, usually free shipping and helpful reviews. Do you have a way to mix up your water into saltwater? Do you have a r/o unit or are you buying r/o water? Don't use tap water.
For water changes, many use siphons, I use the super sophisticated scoop and dump method. You won't touch the sandbed though, so don't go siphoning there.
You'll have evaporation, the biocube gets hot and a lot of water disappears. you'll just dump more r/o freshwater on top, mine needed some every 2-3 days.
How old is that test kit? They go bad after a year. You can call/email the company and give them the code on the box and they'll tell you. Yeesh, could I ask any more questions?
Did the friend have livestock in it? He had a Couple of fish but his a/c broke for a couple days and killed everything in it. He moved and started the cycle over and then sold it to me. How long was the tank set up? I believe he had it going with the fish a few months and a month and half after the a/c problem. I ask because, you want to make sure that something kicked off and completed the cycle, so that it doesn't happen when you add a fish. If they just had the sand and rock and water the tank may have never cycled. There is really no telling if it's gone thru a cycle unless you put in a raw shrimp?
You have a heater? A powerhead? Yes buying a better heater soon. and yes.The little koralia is perfect for the biocube. Do you have a way to mix up your water into saltwater?I'm going to buy some buckets and wash them with vinegar and water and mix it in them. I'll need to buy an extra powerhead and heater for mixing. Do you have a r/o unit or are you buying r/o water?I work for Publix and they have a filter system for there ice machine that I want to get tested with a Tds meter and see how it is. If that fails a lfs sells it for $0.59 a gallon or already mixed $1.00 a gallon. Don't use tap water. I know you can't use tap water.
For water changes, many use siphons, I use the super sophisticated scoop and dump method. You won't touch the sandbed though, so don't go siphoning there. Ok sounds easy enough to do.
You'll have evaporation, the biocube gets hot and a lot of water disappears. you'll just dump more r/o freshwater on top, mine needed some every 2-3 days. Thats what it seems like to. I'm using a gallon of distilled right now.
How old is that test kit? They go bad after a year. You can call/email the company and give them the code on the box and they'll tell you. Didn't know that have to call in the mornig. Yeesh, could I ask any more questions? This is how ppl learn. This or the hard way of failing. Thanks for all the help.[/QUOTE]
looks like sarah has you covered, having a 14 herself:) your off to a great start. way to do your research man, so many people get into this hobby not knowing what they are doing.
Well, it only took a couple of days to find out that you are going to spend a lot of money in the hobby. And who can actually throw money down a drain right now. Waiting is key and doing research and asking question is why the forum was made. Just glad they is a lot of knowledgable ppl on here to answer any1 questions. And willin to teach. Thanks lil Matty.
Ok. Went ahead and bought one raw shrimp to put in the tank today. Checked it after an hour to see if tomorrow would change any and this is what i got.


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Cool, looks like ammonia is at zero? I'm awful with the colors. Have you checked salinity?
Oh, and just something I tell everyone since it screwed me up and I never want it to happen to anyone else, make sure you keep the front little flap on the tank lid open at all times, for gas exchange. I ended up killing a chromis and then a firefish because I kept the lid closed. It was so sad and I was ready to give up and someone on here finally figured it out for me.
Cool, looks like ammonia is at zero? Well, just checked the water and the ammonia was 1.0, nitrite is at 0, and the nitrate is at 5.0 Don't feel bad i'm not much better with the colors myself. I'm awful with the colors. Have you checked salinity? I haven't done this yet i need to get a refractometer saving up for one now. lfs sells ro water for $0.59/gallon and mixed water for $1.00/gallon. Which is cheaper than distilled water i bought the other day. haha
Oh, and just something I tell everyone since it screwed me up and I never want it to happen to anyone else, make sure you keep the front little flap on the tank lid open at all times, for gas exchange. I ended up killing a chromis and then a firefish because I kept the lid closed. It was so sad and I was ready to give up and someone on here finally figured it out for me. I didnt know that. thanks for the advice. But got to wait a couple more days before any fish come into play.

And sen5241b i only put half of the shrimp into the tank it did seem a lil to big. I can say though it was the best $0.30 i've spent. Don't think it was fully cycled. Thanks for everything again lil matty
Yeah, any time there is no decay in the tank for an extended amount of time then the bacteria populations can deplete. (their life cycles are not very long) Thus with no food for a while they can easily die off. So making sure its cycled is key and not waiting TOO long to add fish after is as well. :)

I'm sure you know but your CONSTANT battles, having a small tank, are going to be rapid changes in ANYTHING. Since its going to be so small and easy to alter water quality.

Here's a list of things I would be most concerned with SPECIFICALLY small tanks:

Temperature: Good heater countered with good fans blowing accross the surface(to not allow heat from the lights to conjure at the top heating up) should keep this at bay. Try to keep temp swings to a minimum. +- 2* would be fine. If your getting swings of +-4* from day to night you should get concerned.

Salinity: Easiest way to counter this is an ATO (auto Top off) system. Otherwise you will have to keep water evaporated topped off best you can. Heat from lights and fans blowing will increase evaporation rates.

Dosing: Be carefull dosing anything

Water changes: BE CAREFULL with water changes, best is to make sure the water is mixed thuroughly before adding it(powerhead in a bucket for a period of time helps) and that the temp closly matches temp in your tank.

External Objects/Chemicals: Make sure your tank is not going to be possibly exposed to: Objects falling into, or Chemicals such as Fragrences or sprays, ever comming into contact with your water. (This was utimatly the cause of me taking down my 24g aquapod in the livingroom... somehow a large chunck of cotton amongst other things over time ended up in my tank severely hurting water quality. >_<!)
btw, props on getting a skimmer! :)

you can also use carbon periodically to help absorb unwanted nutrients in the water. ;)

Good Luck! Its a very rewarding hobby as long as you do as your doing know and learn b4 you do! =D
Thanks for the advice. I'm planning on replacing my hydor nano today and buying a bigger one also to place in bucket to mix the water. also getting a 2 heater one to place in the tank and the other to place in the bucket with the other hydor. to mix the salt and water. i've heard mixed review on the skimmer some good and bad but found a deal that made it half prices $25 off of ebay if it every gets here. thanks again and love your avatar pic. cant wait to get one. lil matty
Ok. Tested the water today and got 0.5-1.0 on ammonia, 40 nitrate, and 0 nitrites. I guessing it wasnt cycled at all. So, now i just wait until all the numbers go back down to zero? do i do anything until then(water change keep lights off)? thanks lil matty


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Now, the nitrates won't just drop to 0, you'll do a big water change (not now) and that should bring them down. Many of us run our tanks with some nitrates, around 20-40.
Seeing as how you have ammonia, watch your nitrites carefully. You should have ammonia, then nitrites, then those will both, on their own, drop to 0, leaving nitrates.
In a day or so, check for amm and trites again and if those are 0, do your water change and there you go. But, you may always have nitrates. Some are ok for fish and corals. We all WANT 0 but it just is very difficult to achieve.