Snails Everywhere!


Reefing newb
Ok so I got my live rock from Tampa Bay Saltwater, ended up finding about 20 snails on the rocks. When I shut off flow to tank to perform my water changes all the snails rush to the top off the tank and release a substance. Reading on the site I determined it to be sperm/eggs. Well thought nothing of it until coming home today from work. Finding fifty plus that I can see baby tiny tiny snails all over my glass.

Should I be concerned?

How many snails is to many?

The tank is still cycling but amonia was at only .25 last i checked this morning. Water change is going to take place later this evening.

I just posted in another thread and Biff explained a smaller type of snail that I've never heard of, the Collonista snail, that may be what your seeing.
I just posted in another thread and Biff explained a smaller type of snail that I've never heard of, the Collonista snail, that may be what your seeing.

Maybe but there are more then fifty that I can see and count. Myself and wife have been staring at the tank for hours and never seen one until today.

Once you got fish and stuff,about 99.9% of the baby snails will end up as fish food.

The only problem is I wont have fish for some time, I am only in my fifth day of cycling half my rock.
Kinda of look like the ones I have seen but all mine are transparent with more darkness to them where the shell would be. I have one odd one out that looks like a Keyhole Snail the rest are dot with a tail.