skimmerw/ corals?


Western mA.
I bought my first zooanthid colony today. Went from fowlr, (removed most fish) and turning 125 dt into corals. When I bought the zoo guy said most people don't run skimmers for there reef tanks, this true? Should I unplug it?
You can actually run without either a scrubber or a skimmer, but it is much easier to keep good water quality with them - which is what is key to having a successful reef.
Yes, I ran my 28g nano, and still am, operating without a skimmer. I was not happy what was available for it. I was vigilant with my water changes and checked Nitrates constantly. I am running my first skimmer now in my new 65g in sump, I can't imagine running without one now! Good luck with the new reef tank dannyboy!
Some of the people with large 150 gallon and bigger tanks and large 50+ gallon sumps run a skimmer and a scrubber.seems like they are the guys with the more slimy corals and higher end stuff.but i can't imagine my tank without one i get about six ounces of crap a week out of small 70 gallon mixed reef.wonder what the guy at the LFS was thinking
Good water quaility is the result of many measures like strong flow, cheato in fuge, reactors, use of LR and skimmers too. Its possible to run without a skimmer but a good skimmer can help a lot with water quality.
I dont have a skimmer or a scrubber just some cheato in my fuge. I do water changes every week and do check my nitrates often. I am still on the fence about getting anything additional right now. I am sure it wouldnt hurt to get one down the road just for ease of maintenance.