Skimmer Question!!!!!!!!

Eric Noa

Reefing newb
My collection cub of my skimmer was half full and everything was normal. I left for two hours and when I came back for some reason my skimmer started producing more bubbles and the were rising really fast to the top of the collection water, so it was basically just putting water into the collection cup and it overflow so all the green stuff that it was in the collection cup got in the water... I noticed because the water was really cloudy and I check the sump and saw what happen... what could had cause the skimmer to produce more bubbles and can that harm what I have in my tank... ???
something dying, or filter clogging up inside the skimmer if you have say a sponge in there. Or you have added extra water conditioners or additives that make the skimmer go crazy. Depends on the model of the skimmer.
The most common thing seems to be water additives, like dechlorinator, slime coat, tap water conditioner, etc. Almost all medications will do it, and some foods will make the skimmers go crazy as well.

Skimmers are weird. Sometimes they act up with no good explanation!
Thanks guys... I fed the corals today and that might had cause the extra bubbles... I got scare cause I just bought the skimmer lol.. That wont do any harm to the livestock right? all that green stuff in the water now.
It will take 2 or 3 weeks for the skimmer to break in and start working. During that time, you may want to keep it turned down to avoid another unexpected accident.
Does it have a overflow thingy to connect a hose to for this stuff? Mine lets you hhok a hose up and then to a jug to catch this stuff. Mine went nuts the other day, but I think it's because of this carbon stuff the LFS sold me to feed the corals. My skimmer went off crazy for a few days and now I have that dark red hair algae stuff. So I stopped that food treatment. hate to say it, but Biff was right on that one too.
I have had the skimmer for like a month and a half so it has already been through the break it period. Now that this happen would it have to go through it again?