siliconing rocks?


Ware, MA
Is aquarium silicone okay to use for gluing frag rocks to other things? I'm having a helluva time gluing one rock to another; two-part putty isn't strong enough and superglue doesn't seem to be doing the trick either....
I've never tried it, but it's not going to hurt anything. I'm not sure it would stick very well though... Silicone doesn't seem to adhere to certain surfaces as well as others. It's worth a shot though! The only problem I can think of is that silicone has to cure -- dry -- for 24 hours. Good luck keeping your frags out of water for 24 hours.
I've seen some people use those little wooden dowels you get at craft stores. They drill a small hole in their frag rock and shove the dowel up in there. Then you can put the dowel into a rock in the tank (usually the tank's rocks are pre-drilled as well, so you have many holes ready to go).