Two enemies of soft corals are the Rapa snail - in the family of coralliophildae and a nudibranch (Dendronotus sp. Both are active at night and the nudi is white. Both have the ability to bore into the soft coral and devour from within.
Soft corals have no protection and should be positioned a reasonable distance from all stinging corals, less they be intimidated into closing down permanently until they die if not moved to a proper location with brisk water movement (not leanear) The less soft corals are moved the better. they typically do not like to be messed with. put them in they spot and leave alone. Soft corals reproduce by budding off at the base and in some cases they just fall completely apart. pieces of the main stock quickly re establishes it self and the pieces also at different locations. oh, and large bristleworms have been reported to feed on soft corals. A check should be made after lights out and any small snails or white nudibranchs found on or near the corals should be removed. typically soft corals do well with bright lighting although not needed. good luck hope something here helps.