should i buy a protein skimmer?


they call me fish geek ;p
I have a 29 gallon reef tank with just a few corals and two clowns. I do weekly 25 percent water changes. I read that if I do weekly changes then I don't need a skimmer. So does that mean if I get a skimmer I won't have to do weekly changes? Protein skimmers still confuse me a little. I have a HOB aquaclear filter and about 36 lbs of live rock. Any advice would help.
For a tank that small, you'd be fine with just weekly water changes. I think you'd even be ok going down to 10-15% weekly changes. A protien skimmer is used to export excess nutrients, even if you were using one you'd still have to do water changes as the corals and animals would use up elements and nutrients in the water that would need to be replenished.
Nope, you will still have to do water changes, but probably not as large or as frequently. Water changes serve two purposes: taking the bad stuff out (waste, nitrates, phosphates, etc) and replenishing the good stuff that your animals use up (calcium, buffering compounds, essential elements, etc.) So a skimmer will help remove the bad stuff, but the salt mix used during water changes will still be needed to keep the levels of good things in check.

Ninja'd by BL1!
Okay that makes sense. So I don't really need one but it wouldn't hurt. If I get one how often should I do water changes? Biweekly? Once a month? Or weekly smaller ones?
10% to 20% once a week or every other week is pretty standard. You could cut what you are doing in half, or stick with the same size water changes, just do them every other week instead. If your tank continues to do well, stick with the smaller or less frequent water changes. If you start to see an increase in algae or your parameters go up, you'll know you need to stick with the larger/more frequent water changes.
I have a 29G reef also and I do NOT run a skimmer. I do a 50% once a month. I have strong flow, floss, carbon and a 2G fuge filled with cheato and strong light on the cheato for about 9 hours a day. My 'trates are at zero.