

Reefing newb
hi im new to saltwater and i have a ten gallon tank and wondering what fish will live comfortibly in a ten gallon tank and i also have a heater filter gravel and siphon so what else do i need?
alot more than just that. you will need a light, esp. if you want coral. you might be able to get away with a pair of clowns. you don't really want gravel in a Salt. you want sand or crushed shells. you'll need live rock about 15 lbs should do the trick. depending on what the "filter" is you are referring too, you probably dont need it if it is a carbon filter, will do more harm than good. but if you have a protein skimmer then it is probably un necisarry. you'll need salt mix, R/O water. you'll need a circulation pump. well two circulation pumps and another heater, one for the main tank, and one for the saltwater mixing. With a 10 g. you will need to do constant water changes and alot of maintenance because salt water fish are very intolerant to water peram fluctuation. If you do decide to go with this i hope you post many many pictures! i love nano tanks XD
I'd listen to little fish, she's a smart one.

Also, with such a small tank and all the necessary equipment taking up space in it, you may find you'll want to upsize before you know it. Think it over and if you know you'll upgrade. Your better off doing it from the beginning rather than continuously buying new equipment. I'm speaking from experience.
ok thanks for the information i will probley not have a reef tank probley just live rock will i need all that stuff for a bigger aquarium?
You won't have lighting requirements without corals. You still want a live sand or aragonite sand bed and at least 1lb/g of live rock.(the more you have the more fish you can have)
You could run powerfilters , but I would either run them empty, with a media bag with live rock rubble, or if you use filter fiber or pads rinse or discard them weekly. Nano powerheads would be good to. With just fish you don't need ro/di water.

Bigger tanks are easier to balance. In a small system stuff can go wrong real fast, just be picky and accurate.
and at least 1lb/g of live rock.(the more you have the more fish you can have)

Not true. Sure in a larger tank you could maybe bend the stocking rules if you have more biological filtration available to you, but more rock won't help the aggression issues that generally come with an overstocked tank.
There's some leeway with what you can use for FOWLR. I would aim for at least 20x turnover with either powerheads or powfilters, also an aragonite sand bed, 50lbs live rock.