Set up questions


Reefing newb
I have a 100 gal saltwater tank that is going through it's 2nd week of cycling, I have 2 xp3 canister filters & my LFS said that I don't need a protein skimmer until cycling is done but I was wanted to get one now just in case. Does anyone have recommendations as far as what brand/type of skimmer would be best for my setup? And I was wondering if my setup so far is a decent setup & is there any recommendations on how to make it better?
First of all get rid of your canister filters, unless you clean them every 3-4 days, they will build up nitrates.
Second, do you have a sump??
A good brand of skimmers that are inexpensive, are Octopus skimmers, you dont really need a skimmer if your doing weekly water changes, but i stil do advise it, it just keeps your tank that much more clean.
generally, you want a skimmer that is rated double your tanks capacity, and you can put a skimmer on a tank, even if its cycling or not pretty sure.
I don't have a sump, eventually I would like to get one but since got the canister filters with the tank when my friend sold me the tank that's what I had to work with. At the moment I am only planning a FOWLR but as I get more knowledge in reefing I want to move to getting coral as well. As of right now I am planning on cleaning the filters once a week since thats what I was stuck with. My LFS said all I need to start was saltwater, the filters & patience. But I went ahead and bought 100lbs of sand 50/50 live & dry. And I bought 40lbs of rock 10 live/30 dry.
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Of you get a skimmer now, you would need an external or hang on, neither of which may be to your liking once you get a sump. Your best bet, is to search for a sump on Craigslist, then determine what skimmer you want after that.
First of all get rid of your canister filters, unless you clean them every 3-4 days, they will build up nitrates.
Second, do you have a sump??
A good brand of skimmers that are inexpensive, are Octopus skimmers, you dont really need a skimmer if your doing weekly water changes, but i stil do advise it, it just keeps your tank that much more clean.
generally, you want a skimmer that is rated double your tanks capacity, and you can put a skimmer on a tank, even if its cycling or not pretty sure.

Do NOT get rid of your canister filters. Yes, they will become a nirate problem if you don't clean them every few days BUT they can be a life saver in an emergency situation. If you have a spike of some toxin, ammonia, copper, nitrites whatever, pack the canister with the right absorption media and run it for 48 hours.
Do NOT get rid of your canister filters. Yes, they will become a nirate problem if you don't clean them every few days BUT they can be a life saver in an emergency situation. If you have a spike of some toxin, ammonia, copper, nitrites whatever, pack the canister with the right absorption media and run it for 48 hours.

Maybe i should edit that, yes, by get rid, i mean take it off your tank.
everyone hates canister Filters. I don't understand why everyone is anti-canister. I have a Fluval g6 and I am sorry but that filter is amazing. I am on my first cycle of my new tank and my nitrates are at 0 they spiked for a day or two and then are back to acceptable standards. You only need to clean the one filter every 14 days, not 2-3 days. I am Pro-Canister and ANTI-Skimmer. Everyone I have ever used has been $#%^
i have a double bio-wheel on our 20g reef tank. I just removed the bio-wheels them selfs, clean thoroughly, replace the filter cartriges every 3 wks, add mesh bags of carbon, and GFO and the water couldn't look better. Just my .02