Secureing live rock


Semper FI
Well? Do you have to glue them together or what? I would think the fish could knock over a rock pile if murphys law is true( and for me it usually is). Also what kind of substrate( i belive thats the word) should i use? I want a reef tank, and this would be my first tank. Thanks, and i love the help with the last post. I still have to go get that live rock from him. But hes been busy at work. I will give a report on the condition of it when i get it.
You don't have to glue the rocks together.I do epoxy some rocks together that aren't stable.My worries are more with Turbo snails than fish,they are super strong,knocking decent size rocks is not a problem for them.

Go with aragonite base sand.It has superior buffering capacity then crush coral and other substrate.My preference is for sugar size or close to it.
You could drill holes and secure them with cable ties. Usually the pieces are big enough that a fish wouldn't be able to knock them over. You could also use epoxy putty to stick them together.

Use aragonite sand, not crushed coral.
i dont glue mine but you can if you want check out some underwater glue at dr.s if your afraid the rosk might fall

substance if you want to get a ton of nassuis snails and maybe sand stars get sand,but if you are willing to sve your money you can buy a vac for vacuming the rock like gravel size substanceor clean the gravel the old fasion way and make your own water and sypon out the old
It's better to get epoxy at the hardware store like Ace, Lowe's, or Home Depot. At the LFS it will run you $20 a tube, at the hardware store more like $4. Be sure to get one that cures underwater and is safe for potable water -- it will say on the label.
I know this is headed in a whole new direction, but its been bugging the crap outta me. Those of you who run the metal halide lights do you even need a heater for your tank? I know them bulbs can get very hot. Also since i wont be getting halides for a while should i get 2 underwater heaters like i used to have for my freshwater? I saw these inline heaters for like the return of your water supply after filter, are they any good? Also could i put my heater in my wet dry filter and heat the water enough in there? Im loaded with questions so i will be sure to bug you guys about them :)
When I had T5s, I used a heater. I switched to halides and don't have a heater anywhere near my tank. It gets up to 84 in the daytime and drops to 79 at night.