Seachem Stability


Reefer Madness
I have a question about Seachem Stability. I am currently waiting for my tank to cycle, I have been using Seachem Stability from the begining of the cycle. I was wondering if using stability will prolong my cycle. I am using Stability because the live rock I bought to seed my dry rock has quite a bit of life on it. I have numerous Feather Dusters and a few colonies of GSP's and a few Mushrooms some Bristle Worms and I'm sure a few other things. I did not use Stability so I could add fish right away, I just wanted to give the corals and feather dusters a chance to survive. So I am wondering if this will alter my cycle.
I used a similar product when I first started (Biospira). My LFS recommended this with a few small fish in my 55 gal (yeah I know now, don't cycle with fish, but I didn't know better then). Anyway, a few days after I added the biospira and the fish, I got a test kit and started testing. I had no ammonia at that point (but maybe the first two days that I didn't test) and the nitrite was at the second level on the API test, then dropped to zero after a few days and I never registered ammonia or nitrite again. I had three damsels and fed them twice a day in a 55. So yes I think these products do help a lot with lessening your cycle. If I were you I'd drop some shrimp in there and measure your ammonia and nitrite after a week and if they read zero you're ready to add your first fish and wait a few weeks between adding one at a time.