Seachem Reef Dip


It wasn't me!
Anyone know anything about this? My 3 year old just poured half a bottle into the sump! I am in the middle of doing a 45 gallon water change, and will be adding carbon in place of my gfo. What else should I do and or look for? :frustrat:
120 gallon, plus sump. As soon as I realized what he did I shut off the return pumps, powerheads, and skimmer. Basically everything but lights.
Oh no!!! I wouldn't expect that from an iodine overdose! I'm glad you were able to catch him. Do you have a skimmer? Can you run it wet?
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Yeah, same thing I thought Sarah. He has been with me for like 8 years. He is right now laying on the rocks in the Nano. I do have a big skimmer, and I'm going to start skimming the hell out of it. I am also about to change my GFO out and replace with carbon. I'm yanking all the high end stuff and putting them in the Nano for the time being as well.
Blue Hippo is MIA, and the Coral Beauty is on the bottom, in the rocks breathing heavy. But the clowns, and that cock roach of a damsel are all fine.

40 Gallons changed out, carbon running, and poly fibre pad to help pull out what ever remains. I can't start the skimmer becasue it is blowing up with foam so I'll have to let it disperse some first I guess.
So the Yellow Tang and Coral Beauty are both DOS. The Hippies is back out and swimming around.90% of the coals are back open and doing fine. My skimmed however is still foaming up a storm so it is off for the time being until the carbon and fiber pad reduce enough reached for me to turn it back on.
Well the Hippo was DOA this morning. Coals are pretty much open and happy, except the leathers. I may do another 20 gallon water change today, pull the sump, and skimmer and scrub the heck out of them.
Was just able to get my skimmer back up and working at like 1:00 this morning. I let it run overnight and emptied it, was able to top off and adjust it to skim really wet to try and get the remaining stuff out. Only the 3 fish lost, so I guess I should be happy that it wasn't worse.