Say Hello to my Little Friends

yeah. Me too, except don't put "reeffreak" on mine. Put "Doc". I would like to personalize my avatar as well. maybe in the top right corner of the pic.


I thought about it, but I want to put in a FTS. I have to get rid of that damn keyhole angel and give my xenia time to recover before I shot the pic tho

if I can't get a good one, I will probably use it for Dec POTM. I love the pic cuz it looks like the anthias are cuddling. I hope lionfish can personalize it for me

cool edit job reef. I like the full pic for the avatar, but that is nice as well. Maybe the fish would stand out more in that tiny window as you have set it up. Hell, makes a pretty good greeting card doesn't it?

oooh me too Lionfish, except saying s13redline make is say bartlett eater and chop one of the fish hanging out of his mouth


Im totally kidding guys, just being onry. reeffreak your tank seriously WOWS me I am so impressed with all the trials and tribulations you have had with it recently that it looks soooo amazing. All your new fish look great too. They are so stiking in color, though i personally think i would have a hard time purchasing a $50 bartlett, seems so pricy for such a small fish. your "i love you" picture is awesome
Once you finish visiting Biff's thread visit "Reef's 210g Journal''for more anthias coming up soon.

Red,thats a riot-I think a barttlett hanging out of the mouth of the vlamingi would be cool.

BTW,I think Lion is trying to hide from us.
Those four time feeding for 30 minutes with the pumps off,you can't help but watch them.Thanks everyone.How many times are you feeding Biff?

Thanks Lion,I can't wait to see how it turns out.