Sarah's new 60 gallon!

GSP is awesome stuff, i have a ton of it in my tank, i love its bright color and how it moves.

Also, is it you who wanted the piece of a gorg?
I really loved my gsp too, before the stupid nudibranchs decided it was an all you and a friend can eat buffet. Now i've grown really fond of my xenia, zoas, leather, and duncan. I'm gonna be getting another gsp when i add more corals, and i'll probably throw in a couple more leathers. Anyway, i think you'll really enjoy the gsp and xenia! I know i do...
Thanks guys, I'm excited to see the gsp, I've never seen it in person.
That was not me Little Fish.
Brittany, I knew I was going to get a "told you so" ;)
I love the look of full reef tanks and I just didn't think I could achieve it since the stuff I have hasn't done much in the year I've had it. BUT, I'm hoping these fast growing things will take over. I got a yellow polyp frag from a guy at my LFS too and I heard those grow like weeds. Good. Take over my box of rocks.
The Gsp is going to grow the fastest prlly and is imo the coolest. And its very easy to cut back in case it gets to be too much. I just got some of thows yellow polyps too. Waiting for mine to take off.
Here they are!


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In the first pic there's my new xenia with my sad looking clove polyps underneath, the gsp over to the right and the yellow polyps to the right of that. I hope the cloves start to look better eventually, I don't think they did great in shipping.
Have you been drinking?

me drink at work never..... :Cheers: no it does look good a bit empty like mine but looks good to me. and from what i can see in the photos things look in rather good standing. so thats good in my book hell i dont know if you saw the vid i posted but yeah its quite a change from what it was to what it now is for my tank but I'm not giving up it's truly a Phoenix store in the works.

Your tank is beautiful in its own right. and it can get even better at your own pace thats the best thing about this hobby/ lifestyle its not a race sure id love my tank back in the standing it once was but im in no hurry ;) though im itching to buy something and I think fast has me hooked on getting some acans or maybe something on those lines... but it take time to build a reef and yours is beautiful no drinking needed :D thats just my opinion

P.s. dont think of it as what it is think of it more so as what it could be. I look at your tank and see wonder-us possibility's
Thank you for looking at my tank and seeing possibilities, I like your opinion Kurt. :)
Everything you said is so true and so great to remember.

Thanks and sure I will admit I do get gloomy and doomy but it passes when I just step back and imagine what I could do. If I could do it with my first attempt with corals and pull off an amazing recovery I can do it again. Also all the folks here they are also to be noted for there support we have a great site here with many folk that are well knowledge or have a great insight to things or what have it be. I for one am surprised in myself for geting to where I am now with this I never stop learning something new from every one here. so I say again keep on keeping and build from your imagination and what know know. also we are all here if you need us.

By the way whats the next step for your 60g?
Your tank is beautiful in its own right. and it can get even better at your own pace thats the best thing about this hobby/ lifestyle its not a race sure id love my tank back in the standing it once was but im in no hurry :wink: though im itching to buy something and I think fast has me hooked on getting some acans or maybe something on those lines... but it take time to build a reef and yours is beautiful no drinking needed :grin: thats just my opinion

Well said kurt. I def agree with everything you said. Those are some nice new additions Sarah!
Time for an update, has it really been 2 months?? Flame angel, clown, yellow assessor, six line, and 3 banggai cardinals are all doing really well. Here are some fish pictures. My corals have all grown a ton too, my mushrooms have exploded and my duncan has gotten so much bigger, will post pics of him tomorrow.


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Can you guys believe after all the drama I've kept the flame angel, six line, clown and assessor alive since January? I never thought it possible. I've had the 3 cardinals for a month now and am done adding fish as I am at 7.