Sarah's new 60 gallon!

Some more...


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I changed the backround to the blue side but, since it's shiny, it doesn't make for the best pics...


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My little blue legged crab is getting covered in coraline, took me forever to find him since he blends right in now..


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Sorry, throwback from a week ago, going to revive an older point. With power outages, it's a small investment to get a generator compared to the cost of your livestock!
I just lost power for 3 days from that huge snowstorm. A lot of my friends still have no power. I have a generator, but it wasn't set up yet! Luckily, neither is my tank. But it's a good lesson to be prepared!
parrot we had 13 inches here... i use a deep cycle boat battery to run my tank, runs my circulation pump, heater and skimmer for 3 and a half days
And then there were 2....
1 chromis is gone. Just gone. Poof. Saw him Friday and then Saturday monring, gonesville. I was going to head up to the other LFS for a new addition but wanted to make sure everything was ok with the tank. So, now there are 2 chromis and the clown then tags along with them.
So, I'll head out on Friday and see what they got in. Hopefully a yellowwatchman or a midas blenny or something. I'm pretty bummed and the tank looks pretty sad too.
Sorry to hear that...for some strange reason, chromis's have been really fragile lately. I've bought chromis' from 2 different reliable lfs's, and they all seem to die. I think it's the way they are being caught in the wild.
So sorry to hear of your MIA chromis! It sucks losing a fish. Having a fish die of known causes is bad enough, but LOSING one? In a closed system? It just sucks. Goodbye, little chromis....
I'm sorry about your MIA Chromis Sarah that just sucks!!! I was actually thinking about adding a few to my tank in a few weeks but with the Chromis Alien Flying around I think I'll wait.