

Team Liquid Force
Ok, I bought my tank used and the guy before me had crushed coral and I didn't like the looks of it so I kept about 1/2" of the CC and put about 2" of Aragonite (sp?) sand over the top of the 1/2" layer of CC. Now the CC is slowly making its way to the top of the sand making it look like shit. I have been sifting out the peices of CC with a strainer but it is only getting worse.

The reason for this post is that I am wanting to remove all the mixed CC and sand, and put in a whole new layer of just sand. I know that the already CC and sand has the proper bacteria for my tank, and I am wondering if it is bad if I remove all of the CC and sand and put new sand in?

Would this cause my tank to re-cycle? Or what would the proper way to attempt this?

My tank has been up for 1 month. My levels are, PH-8.2, Ammonia 0, Nitrites 0, and Nitrates 10. I have 2 percula clowns, 10 hermits, 1 emerald crab, 1 pepermint shrimp, 1 snail.

You might try making some kinda divider and just take out a section of the mixed stuff at a time.
I mixed CC and sand in my 30 and like you I dont like it.I just dont have the nerve to try to replace it.
Just my oppinion its not gonna be pretty but I would leave it be till you see a problem sounds like your tank is doing good just my oppinion though.
When we did it we emptied all live rock fish and tank water into a 100gal. igloo with some powerheads running in it and then scooped out the cc with a plastic strainer. Left some of the old water in replaced the cc with LIVE SAND and refilled the tank with new water. Let that run for a day (or so, it been a while so Im not sure on how long exactly) until the water cleared, and then replaced everything and did another 30% water change. We didn't loose any fish but WE DID NOT HAVE ANY CORALS AT THAT TIME!!! IM NOT SURE THAT WOULD WORK IF YOU DO.
Another thought, We have a trickle filter on the tank so there was still lots of bacteria in the filter system when we did this. Also, it had been set up for many years.. I'm not sure a month old tank would fare as well. Especially if your live rock and cc are the only thing housing your bacteria.
Yeah I have too many corals at this point to bother! They absolutely HATE it when I move them, and then they stay closed up to show how displeased they are with me!