

Reef enthusiast
I want to add more sand to my tank. Can I just add it to what's already there? Do I need to vacumn the old? I hav a sand shifting blenny and he wants more sand. lol
Yeah, I would just add it on top. Your tank will be cloudy for a while, but I'm not sure there's an easy way to add sand to an already established tank and avoid cloudiness. the cloudiness shouldn't hurt your animals. Just pour slowly, I guess. Maybe someone else will come up with a good idea on how to add sand and minimize cloudiness.
make sure the bag is clean, cut a slit in the middle of the bag

submerge the bag as close to the bottom as you can, and pour slowly onto your existing substrate.

make sure you dont bury anything you want, (corals)

this is how i replaced my substrate
Rinse in RO water then put it in a mess bag.Drop it in the tank and open the bag.That should reduce the cloudiness and keep the sand from accidently covering the rocks and particles floating around.
Pool and Reef are right on the money.If you follow their suggestions,your tank will probably clear up within an hour or so.
I only use live sand when replacing sand lost through water changes and such. I am a fan of the drop the bag in and cut a slit method.

here's another option. place it in a 5 gallon bucket and pour in the water. let all the crap float to the top. pour the water off the top and keep doing this until the water gets pretty clear. maybe try stirring the sand while doing this.
you fialed to mention if the substrate is the same as what you have in there now.
if it is a diffrent size
the larger substrate will fall to the bottom making a real ugly
line of substrate,
No the larger finds it way to the top not the bottom. All the smaller pieces will settle bringing the bigger ones up. If it's live sand DO NOT rinse, if it's regular dry sand rinse it with water a few times as the bag suggests, then put it in a bag one the bottom of the tank cut it open and slowly pour it out and it will reduce the cloudieness considerably. Good luck.
Get y0ursefl a length 0f PVC 1" t0 2" diameter and a little l0nger than y0ur tank is high. Use funnel and p0ur y0ur new sand d0wn the pipe and t0 the b0tt0m 0f y0ur tank. Makes minimal mess and all0ws f0r the targeting 0f new sand.
If your using live sand it shouldnt make too much of a mess. When I started my tank I was adding the live sand (forgot the brand, but the kind you can get anywhere including petco) slowly to the bottom cup fulls at a time then pouring out of the cup, then I realized that it was making no cloudiness what so ever... So i just ended up dumping it in, any cloudiness cleared up in minutes. That live sand shouldnt have too many small light particles in it, unless I just lucked out and got a good bag...