Sand Storm in the tank


Reefing newb
Well got my 2nd to last fish for my tank today. Diamond Goby, and man is he making a mess, but my sand is looking great. He decied that having extra shells all over the sand was no good so he put them in a pile on top of my ricordia and is angry when i move them
They do have a lot of character. With those guys, make sure you have taken precautions to keep them in the tank, as they tend to be jumpers. I had two in a row jump out of my tank on the first day that I had them, so I decided NEVER AGAIN!! I named them Tard and Retard. Posthumously, of course.
You ought to be ashamed J.
Come in here posting about a new fish without pics:mrgreen:
Those gobies do an awesome job keeping the sand turned over,but they do make a mess.
wheres the pic man? Also inorder to have one of those is there any thing inperticular that it needs to have. My tank has been up and going great since feb 09 is it to early for one of those fish or would i be ok? (NOT STEALING THREAD JUST HAD QUICK ? )
wheres the pic man? Also inorder to have one of those is there any thing inperticular that it needs to have. My tank has been up and going great since feb 09 is it to early for one of those fish or would i be ok? (NOT STEALING THREAD JUST HAD QUICK ? )

I'd give it another couple of months.They feed off the little bugs and worms that live in the sand,so you'll want to make sure theres enough to keep him fat and happy.
cool thanks for the info Yote, so basically it would be better to wait for my 1yr anniversary right.......LOL.....thats how i see it cause having a SW reef is like being married but without the nagging and arguements!!!!
I dont know that you'd have to wait a year to get the goby.But I'd want the tank to be running good at least for 6 to 8 months.
You can find egg crate in the lighting section of any home improvement store. Cut it to fit the top of your tank. It's not fool proof (fish can still find their way through the holes). But it's better than nothing, and it still lets the light through.