Sand Cycle


Reefing newb
Well my 75 gallon has been up and going well now for two weeks. Everything came from another tank that was establish so I was trying to avoid a cycle which so far I have. All my levels have been at 0 besides my nitrates which hover around 10-15. One thing I see thats is confusing me is that my sand is getting a brownish tint on the top layer. I have 100 pounds of sand in the tank and its just on the top layer is brown. Im thinking my sand is going through a cycle but will this hurt any of the fish? Also when I feed the fish brine shrimp I always pour the garlic soaked water into the tank. I dont know if this has anything to do with it, but I only use a cap of garlic when I mix it in the cup.
it is diatoms. it is common for all new tanks, even those that have been transferred from a previous tank. it takes a few months to get rid of it. keep you water quality high and you will see it just disappear one day down the road. I still get it in my 90 that is about 8 weeks old. I expect it for another 8 weeks as well

The brown algae(diatoms) is just the natural progression of your tank maturing.In most cases,it will become less noticeable over time.Since your system has finished cycling,now will be a good time to add some snails.Astreas and trochus snails for the diatoms on the glass and rocks.Nassarius,Queen conchs and ceriths for the sand bed.
Thanks guys!!! It was starting to scare the s**t out of me. First time I saw it I thought it was from overfeeding or something so I lightly stirred the top of sand up but came right back so I knew it couldn't be good. Glad to hear its normal thought a sand cycle virus was going to come through and wipe out everything. Good to hear! Its time for me to re-up on the snails most of my Nassarius snails were killed by my mysterious pistol shrimp or puffer. How many of each should I get? I only have I think 8 nassarius and 1 turbo. I know thats not enough but I been meaning to get back to the LFS and get some more.
Maybe get a 10-20 or so atreas/trochus.You can get more if needed later on.
If those are 8 of the larger nassarius than those should be enough.If its the smaller variety then get 10-15 more of them or 3-5 of the larger ones.

Let your algae be your guide.
I had diatoms too. About 3 months into my tank maturing they showed up overnight. Within a week it was all over the sand. I bought some snails and a sand sifting sea star and it was gone within a month.
Diatoms will come and go.Every tank thats ever been set up has had them.
There not really that bad either especially since you still have cyano and hair algae to go in the natural progression of your tank.
no kidding. I just had another outbreak in my 125. I really need to do a water change. It has been almost three weeks again. Do you think that has anything to do with my cyano????? :bounce:
