salt water


Reefing newb
Just a thought. I live very close to the atlantic ocean, (it's in my backyard) would some true ocean water be a beneficial thing for my next water change? or would it possibly bring parasites into my tank?
Just a thought I figured I would throw out there.
while I am on this train of thought...there are always beautiful starfish and such washing up on the beach, granted they are from the very cold NORTH atlantic...probably no good in my tank hey?
No to the first and second question.

The shoreline is very polluted,its the ocean's skimmer.You would have to get the water miles from shore.You pretty much answered the second question.Besides,you never know what parasite/disease you may introduce.Don't forget there could be laws against it.
I agree Michelle,It would be cool,right up untill that local inhabitant started digesting your favorite coral.
I second to what the Biff says. If you decide to use ocean water, get it from AFAR. I know a lot of reefers from asia get their water from their backyard(which is just like you, the ocean) but they go about 100-200 yards out.
I it always a good idea to know exactly what an animal will do in your tank before you put it in there. An unknown starfish usually spells disaster, not to mention putting a cold water species in a tropical tank would probably kill it, really screwing up you water quality.

Stick with store bought salt mixtures and RO water for changes

Lets say the water was crystal clean. You still would not use it unless you are going to keep local residents and cold water tank. most natural systems using water from the ocean also stock animals from that location. or, similar locations but never warm water animals with cold water makeup even after heating. you stand a very good chance of introducing bacteria and stuff that your animals are not able to defend against. good luck looks like the consensus is no.