Safe to add another fish or 2?


Reefing newb
I have a 54 gal corner with 2 clowns, a mystery wrasse and a pinkbar goby. My tank had been running for about 3 months and everything is doing real well. I got the mystery wrasse and goby about 20 days ago and haven't added any fish since, just a cleaner shrimp and a bunch of corals. Would it be safe to add maybe a sandsifting goby or should I wait a little mor?
Sand sifters are very messy. They grab sand and it will be all over your lr. They are a very interesting conversational piece, but i think their cons outweight their pros. I would hold off on livestock for now imho, it will be a safer way than overstocking to quick and killing off your other livestock. Holding off 2 months in adding would help you age your tank for the bioload being implemented. Good luck.
Be watchful of the goby and blenny. They have different jobs, but both living on the bottom can cause problems, also. Usually more so with sifting gobies than the shrimp gobies, but just keep an eye out. Same thing for jaw fish and some burrowing wrasses.