Rusty water


Reefing newb
I've just recently purchased a 29 gallon tank. The water from my well is not the best quality. My home is in an known for having micos that make the water stinky and discolored. We have a sulfur clear filter but still end up filtering it with a Pur for drinking purposes. I'm wondering what I should do for the tank. Will the water conditioner help get rid of the excess minerals? I just don't want to add a RO filter for this small of a tank. Any feedback is appreciated. Thanks!
Get an RODI unit or buy RODI water from your local grocery store, walmart, or some fish stores. Tap water and well water will mess up your tank.
Yep if you want to be able to keep inverts (snails, crabs, shrimp, corals, anemones, clams, etc.), then using well water is not going to make it easy, in fact it may make it impossible since inverts are extremely sensitive to metals in the water. And without an RODI unit, those metals are getting in your tank. You will also probably have algae problems since tap and well water tends to be high in nitrates and phosphates.