Rusty Angel


Fish Wrangler
Will he turn Carnivorous? Should I worry about my Shrimp? Help much appreciated on these little guys, as he seems to be getting a bit more aggressive to feeding. Hes not eating frozen Brine so I would assume not, but I'd like the back up info as I know some Angels do like a few cocktails every now and then.


I've done the readings and so forth, I was just wondering if anyone had had some personal experience with angels eating live shrimps, that is really my main concern. I do thank you for the extra materials though.
I bought one and put it in my grandmothers 20gal tank, with 2 pepperment shrimp, and it doesn't pay them any attention. Matter of fact, he tries to get next to them so that he can get a cleaning from them. There is a strong chance that he will develop the taste for coral...not shrimp.
Angels are so beautiful; it is a shame that they will pick at and sometimes decimate corals. I had an Emperor Angel that was truly a show fish. He would grunt when we approached the tank. Really cool fish until he began eating all my zoos. He loved them and would destroy a whole colony at a time. I had to remove him from the tank.
I love emperers. I have a coral and a rusty in my tank and they nip at some of my softer corals but as long as i keep them feed they pretty much leave them alone. :mrgreen:
It's true. I think they are probably the most colorful and diverse fish families in this hobby. And they have that typical "fish" body shape that a lot of people find appealing. I've had my coral beauty for years, and he's a model fishizen in my tank, but it would be nice to be able to keep a few more angels! They truly are stunning.
Well I lost a shrimp, not a molt half the bugger still in it. Not sure what happened checking calcium and adding supplements, I assume he may have molted then lacked nutrients to harden. Either way, one less peppermint shrimp =(
Sometimes pepperments do that.I have yet to figure out why.:dunno:
At one time I had 15 or 20 pepperments in my tank.I think I'm down to 4 or 5 now.