Yesterday, although still not ready to introduce fish yet, I couldn't help but reserve and pay for my first (soon to be) inhabitant! Been in my local LFS quite a lot of late, obviously, and this rather pretty Black Tomato Clown kept giving me the eye, I couldn't dismiss her advances any longer!!!! The LFS will look after her until I've finished cycling, but I cant wait until I can bring her home! :bounce:
Just another thing, just reading what some of you guys have said about the Red Sea Prizm, it's a bit of a worry, I wish I'd obviously seen the comments before I bought, however it's in now, but are they really that bad, and will I need to upgrade or should I, in the not to distant future?? The thing that sold the Prizm to me was the neatness of it, and because of the location of my setup. I must admit I bought it without too much due consideration other than the aesthetic of it, and it was bought before I'd managed to absorb a lot the information that I have done over the last few weeks, especially from here. Thanks as always guys for any pointers :D