Reefing newb
After many years of delibiration, I've finally take the plunge, and although obviously still at the very early stages, even now I'm completely captivated and sit there for hours watching what might creep out from the crevices in the live rock. Anyway, my setup at the moment consists of a Roma 240, with Fluval 305 Ext. Filter, 2 Hydor Koralia 1's (although I've just ordered a 2 as well). I've ordered a Prizm Skimmer, which I'm still waiting for to be delivered. The substrate consists of 20k of Reef sand and 12k of live sand and at the moment I have 22k of live rock, although I would still like to add another couple of pieces to create another peak and a bridge on the scape. A couple of images attached, very boring but I guess we've got to start somewhere.