RO System


Team Liquid Force
I know I am a dork, I took pictures:helm2:



I got my reverse osmosis system installed tonight.To tell you the truth, I don't really no much about RO systems but after reading about the importance of water quality I knew this would be a great investment. Supposedly this is an awesome system, I got hooked up because my dad is a mechanical contractor. It can produce up to 54 gallons a day. I wanted to go with a 25 gallon holding tank but I could only fit (2) 2 gallon tanks under my sink. I installed a tap and got a 3/8" nylon hose so I can fill up my 35 gallon garbage can for water changes.

Anywase, I have a few questions. Is there anything important I should know about RO water? Should I let the system flush a day before adding it to my aquarium? Should I test the water before I put the water into my aquarium?

I know I should use the search function, but I am REAL short on time. School has been keeping me busy.

Thanks a bunch. you guys have been great help.
good looking setup man, the only thing I know about ro setups are that it would behoove you to invest in osmo prep john can tell you more about it.
I dont know much about ro units so take this with a grain of salt. I would test at first then bi weekly or so to make sure its clean, about flushing it I thought that was after its been used awhile, to get the cartredges to last longer.
Initially run the system for 15 minutes and discard the water. After that if you let the system set for more than a few days, let it run 3 - 5 minutes depending on how long it was sitting idle before using the water for your system. Hope this helps. The osmo prep is only needed if you have difficulty keeping your water parameters correct. alkalinity, ph, dkh. for now just use the r/o water for direct make up (evaporation replacement) and to mix your new salt in for water changes. keep us posted.