RO/DI Units

I am excited about my new toy. Anyways what's the best brand of salt I should be buying? I usually just get Instant Ocean bucket, but my LFS always has black bucks that say reef salt and a few others like Tropic Marine. Should I spend the extra money on the reef salt rather than getting Instant Ocean? Money isn't an option, just want the best for my corals and fish. Thank.....:question:
Instant Ocean is fine for most things. There are better brands of salt, but that seems to really only be a concern if you start keeping corals. I use Oceanic, Kent Marine or Seachem Reef salt in my tanks.
I have the 6-stage/150gpd unit from them.It works brilliantly for the past few years with no problems.Even the filters last much longer than I thought.

Salt is pretty much a personal preference.Everybody seems to have there favorites.Instant Ocean or Tropic Marine will work just fine,personally I use Red Sea Pro.
I just switched to Red Sea Coral Pro about 6 weeks ago. So far I like it. Corals look good and the water chemistry is all in check.

I was using Oceanic for the last 2 and 1/2yrs and was constantly plagued with low Alk and low pH. :frustrat: Never again for me.
Blue I drink from mine but its a little weird at first... I am used to drinking from water that seems to come out of a swimming pool, so no taste in my water kinda throws me off lol
Blue I drink from mine but its a little weird at first... I am used to drinking from water that seems to come out of a swimming pool, so no taste in my water kinda throws me off lol
Clean water takes a little getting used to after a life of tap water...
So I just got my new RO/DI unit and it's all hooked up.:bounce: I have a few questions for you guys and girls. 1st should I let the unit run for a little while before I start keeping the water. It's hooked up out and running I figured I would throw away the first few bucks it makes since it's all new filters. The other question is that I want to put the unit on my porch since I like to have it hooked up to the hose. Would it be safe to mount it on the patio in the shade or will the heat and sun wear the unit out? I can always bring it back in if I had to, but I would like to have it mounted so I dont have to mess with it all the time in and out. Thanks :Cheers: Corona time
I did some research and decided I am going to hook it up above of my washer and dryer. I am going to buy a Y valve and then put the waste water line into the washer machine. I figured it can't be good to leave it outside in the sun and heat since I do live in florida. Anyone else done this?:question:
I wouldn't put it outside -- the plastic will crack very easily if exposed to sunlight for too long!

It is a good idea to toss the first few gallons of water with new filters. I don't think you need to pitch several buckets, just a few gallons.