

Reefing newb
First of all i would like to say hello to everyone and this is my first post even though i have been getting alot of great information here for over a year.my question is will Rics eat other mushroom disc because one of my just did? or is it not a ric ? i hope you all understand my question. Thanks in advance
Hello and welcome!

I have never heard of rics eating other mushrooms. There are not too many things that will eat mushrooms. Can you post a picture of it?
here's a pic not a very good one though


  • pics012.jpg
    50.3 KB · Views: 244
The pic is not very clear, but that may be some sort of anemone, not a ric. Hard to tell though. Google "rock anemone" -- does it look like that?
no it does't look like any of those.i am pretty sure it's a ric have you every heard of them doing that it seems unusal to me but i will try to get a pic tomorrow if its thru eating
It's unusual. Ric will eat, but they'll eat meaty foods like mysis, brine or krill. Other mushrooms are just very...unappetizing.
Cool, I look forward to seeing a new pic of it!

This may sound like a stupid question, but how do you know it was eating another mushroom? How did that mushroom get in its mouth?
I have a rock kinda back behind about 8 inches with severl green spotted mushrooms on it i guess it let lose and landing on th e ric ijust happened to look over at the tank and seen it on the ric tried to get it off but the ric had a hold on it and wouldn't like go .
I agree with Biff's line of questioning. Ricordea mushrooms are one of my favorite corals and I have had a tank full before. I do not believe that that picture you posted was a ricordea mushroom. Not any kind I have ever seen. Ricordea mushrooms co-exist in colonies and do not eat each other; if they did they would not live in colonies. Never seen it and I don't think it is even possible.

Try if you can to get a better picture so we can try to identify it for you. Thanks.
Hey I have that exact same type of mushroom in my tank! Is it brown with yellow criss crosses on it? I've never seen anyone else with those shrooms!

They are not ricordeas. They are just a type of fuzzy/frilly mushroom. They can get HUGE -- up to 10 inches across or so. And they will eat anything they can get their mouths around.