Rescaping a little?


Reefing newb
I hate to keep posting in the new to reefing area, but I really don't know where else to ask my silly questions!:frustrat:

I want to move a large rock in my tank. My Royal Gramma lives in one of the holes in this rock. Would it stress the fish too much if I moved it? (Its a BIG rock. About th size of a football. AMERICAN football!)
Does the fish ever come out of the rock?

Wiat for it to be out of the rock and then move it. It may stress him out a little that his favorite rock is in another place or -to him- gone....but he will adapt. :-)

I wouldn't try to move the rock unless he is in another part of the tank. Maybe at feeding time?
+1 everyone

And there is no such thing as rescaping "a little" LOL I bet you'll end up spending an hour or two on this ;) I know if I move ONE itty bitty rock, it ALL has to move :mrgreen:
I moved the rock just at lights out last night. This morning he seemed a bit confused but has since found a new hole to hang out in. I didn't move anything else, but I really don't like where the rock is now. I may end up moving it into the sump at the next water change.