

Reef enthusiast
I got my HOB refugium today. So I need to know what I need to get for it. I'm going to LFS tomarrow. I do know so far got to get a light.
You need some sand, how deep is up to you. In my fuge, I have 6 to 8 inches, but that will take up a lot of space in a HOB version, maybe go with 2 inches instead.

You can add some live rock rubble if you want, just little chunks of live rock.

Definitely get some macroalgae. The best kind is chaetomorpha (chaeto). You can also get caulerpa, but it's not as good.

Does it already have a pump?
Did come with a pump. Now when I go to set it up. Do I put sand in first? Plus what water do I use? Do I need any of that mud stuff?
Get some aragonite sand.The oolitic which is a very fine sand works the best.How deep is up to you and how much depth is available.At least 2'' will work.The deeper the more denitrification btw.I plan on having at least 4''.

I would start with chaeto first since its the easiest macro algae.Later on after the sand bed gets settled you try other types Ulva and Shaving brush.Some rock rubble will work too.I not fond of caulerpa,it tends to go asexual or whatever its called where its insides spew into the water column.
Miracle mud is a preference.Its not necessary and I personally have never tried it.I've heard thing from it causing high PH and it needing to be replace,thats the bad.The good is that it releases trace elements and for rooted macro like mangrove does best with that substrate.For me its not worth it,I'm sticking to good ole' sand.

I would do sand first(rinse first if its NOT live sand)),pour water from DT into fuge,turn pump on and fill DT with saltwater,back to normal levels.
All HOB refugiums will drain back into the tank when the power is off. They drain back through trh powerhead until the tank water is level with the refugium water.

What kind did ya buy? CPR?

So, make sure that you test it and see what happens if the power goes out. Unplug the refugium powerthead and watch the tank fill up as the refugium drains back through the powerhead. If you run the tank all the way full up to the top and the power goes out--then the refugium is going to drain back. Could cause a flood. You might have to run the tank water about 1/2" down from the top or maybe 1" down from totally full. You need room in the tank for the refugium to drain backwards and not overflow the tank.

Yes, I learned this the hard way. :lol:

I am using a deep sand bed in mine. I used live sand from the LFS thats a little bit finer than crushed coral gravel--but not super fine like sand. Most particles are about 1/16" size. Then I used super fine white reef sand for the top 1" on top of the other live sand. I just dumped the live sand in and then spread it all out evenly. Then I poured another 1" of fine white reef sand on top. I ended up with about 4" or 5" of sand bed in the bottom of the refugium.

Live rock rubble is cheap at the LFS. They can't sell it for your main display tank (too small, nobody wants it), so they should sell it to ya for like $2/lb. Just little pieces from tennis ball size down to little pebbles the size of a grape. Put a couple pounds of it right on top of the sand bed. Spread it out or make a pile in the middle--makes no difference.

I am 100% in agreement about running cheatomorpha. I will NEVER run cholerpa because of that spooging thing it does. Cheatomorpha looks like a big mess/wad of green string. It looks like steel wool. Green stringy mass. You don't need a lot. I started out with a piece the size of your fist, and 2 months later it's 1/2 the size of a milk jug. Cheato is good hiding and breeding grounds for copepods and amphipods. Good stuff for nitrate and phosphate absorption.

Put your heater in the refugium. Gets it out of the main display tank.

right side

left side:

Top view of cheatomorpha:
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I'll get sand,LR, and cheatomorpha. Won't chance the mud. Thanks about the flood info. I'll be sure to check that. Also will put heaters in refuge. I got the large refuge one so would I put both heaters in it? Hope to get this done tomarrow after car shopping.
Well went to LFS they didn't have what I needed. All they had was live sand which I did get. No rubble LR. So maybe I can take a few small pieces out of the tank for now. Also they had no algea. The only type they had was the one you said not to get. So can I still se up the fuge or shold I wait till I can get the rest of the stuff?
I got the fruge set up. Took a lot longer then I expected. Had to do some moving stuff like my overflow. What a pain. Plus I had to figure out a way to make it level the screws that came on it were way to short. Then I wanted something to support it in the back. I got the live sand put in it filled it up now waiting for the sand to settle so I can turn it on for good. Still need to put some rubble in it and get algea if I can find some. The LFS I go to doesn't carry only one type the bad kind so I'll just keep looking. So now it's rrelax time.