Refugium question


Reefing newb
Re: Refugium Basics

Hi i am dinakar from India i am setting up a new reef tank tx for ur information but can u tell me should i introduce refugium before sump r after sump and also do u have any drawings/picture of refugium


[email protected]
Welcome to our site and thankyou for the question. The refugium is best installed off of the sump. you would feed the refugium from the the sump. The regugium needs slower water movement. total contents of refugium turn over at least once per hour, where your sump will be moving faster water. you could provide a partial return to the refuge from the tank and then to the sump, just make sure you put a valve in line on the refuge intake line from the tank so you can control flow and gravity feed the refuge to the sump. as for a design there are many out there and depending on what you want to accomplish with the refuge will determine the type you will want i.e. food production, filtration, etc. im sure more will post here also. good luck with your system.
Hope this helps:
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