refugium question


Reef enthusiast
My refugium is getting some slimy algae. Its different than the algae i sometimes get in the main tank. The one in the refugium is red & slimy.

I have the light on 24/7 for both stability in PH and macro algae growth, but i guess maybe its too much. I have pods, live sand, live rock and Macro algae in the fuge.

My question is: do i need to clean the algae in the fuge? If so, what;s the best way to do so? Its covering the sand as well so i dont know if i should vacuum the sand and disrupt all the life in there.

My fuge has been blooming with all sorts of colors and pods and i dont know if this algae is bad or good.


By the way, you guys are the best for being so dependable.
Sounds like cyano to me.Either cut back and just run your fuge light when your DT lights are off.You can also use a turkey baster and suck the crap out.

But it will sufficate your sand bed if it's allowed to grow over it.
Its cyano,for some reason I have it in the fuge but not in the display.I don't do anything about it for the most part,Sometimes I take the chaeto out and rinse it in new saltwater to remove the red stuff.I also run my lights on opposite of the display,maybe try that.
I also get cyano in my fuge from time to time. I've never done anything about it. Right now, I can't even see into my fuge because of all the crap on the glass. Coralline grows like crazy on the glass there because there's nothing to eat it. As long as it's in the fuge (and stays there), I don't bother with it.
I'll run the lights opposite of my display tank and see if that will reduce the cyano. I'll try to remove as much as i can then.

So cyano is a bad...good to know. What causes it? too much light?
Its just like any other algae.Light and nutrients make it the low flow thats needed for a fuge makes it the ideal place for it.
if you let it grow long enough it starts to make air bubbles inside it. When there are enough air bubble it will atart to lift off of the sand, that is when I take the cyno and a bit of the sand right under it out. If I just get the cyno it seems to grow back because there is still small bits on the sand.