Refugium Lighting


Blenny Badlands
What kind of lighting does everyone have over their fuge? I have a 23w CFL, but can't grow my chaeto, and have nothing but nasty red slime, dinos, and GHA. I strongly suspect the lighting as being the main problem. I wanted to know what type of lights everyone else has, especially those of you with beautiful green chaeto and white sand!
I run a 40w cfl and my chaeto/macro is growing nicely. I'm not sure what your problem might be. What is your light schedule for the fuge?
i read about people putting Chaeto in a fuge what does this do and do you have to have it??? excuse my ignorance im new to this.
Having chaeto in your fuge will give a place for pods to live as well as helping to keep your nitrates down. With that being said, you don't have to have it
hehehe, then is mine overkill?
15 gallon fuge
250GPH flow
1 - 100W 3000K cfl,
1 - 100W 5100K cfl,
1 - 20W 50/50 coralife cfl
1 - 10W color wave coralife cfl

ofcourse mine is calurpa, couple different kinds of it, and i'm having to beat it back every other day with a pair of siscors, but i guess that just means its working.. hehehe


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