Refugium Ideas


I'm that guy
Ive got an empty 10 gal tank that I was thinking of turning into a fuge. I want to spend no money on it and use my left over equipment. Hers what i got. LMK some plans.

10 gal Tank Glass
1 MJ 600
1 MJ 1200
Shop light

I was thinking of using the two MJ's as a return and drain to pump the water in and out of my frag tank which is ran into the main display. I prmarily want to grow pods for Jerry in it and some MAngroves.
i use two maxi jets on my frag/skimmer tank as a return to the sump and a pump to the tank and i can never keep the water level stable even with a ball valve
Yeah I tried it and gave up. also, the back pressure kept making the tube come off and water sprayed everywhere. Ive ended up just putting a chaeto box in my frag tank with some mangroves. Also, the fuge isn't a priority since Jerry didnt make it.