Reef "Lingo"


Soon to be Reef Expert
This is a thread for people new to any reef forum, just a little helpful guide to help you understand what people are talking about in the forums. (Chris, you may want to make this thread "sticky" for help to newcomers, just a suggestion :mrgreen:)

LFS: local fish store
params: Parameters, as in water params. something like: 8.3-9.3 alk, ph 7.9-8.3, cal 400-420, sal 1.025, temp 80.
alk: alkalinity
cal: calcium
RO water: reverse osmosis water
display tank or DT: your actual tank
softies: corals w/o a skeleton
stonies: corals with a skeleton
LPS: large polyp stony
FOWLR: Fish only tank with Live Rock
reef: reef tank, may contain fish
LR/LS: Live Rock/Live Sand
MH lighting: Metal Halide lighting
PC's: Power compact lights (aka Compact Fluorescent lights)
QT tank: Quarantine Tank
Refugium: a tank or area of your sump dedicated to weed and rock and sand. helps water quality, grows copepods.
cycle: the period during which your pristine and totally dead tank turns green and skungy with life, including rock/sand-dwelling bacteria that can 'cycle' waste. Usually takes 2-4 weeks, longer if you have a lot of base rock as well as live rock.
Cleanup crew: contains hermits, other crabs, snails. Things that will help keep your algae under control
coralline algae: the pink/purple stuff that coats rocks. A good thing. On your glass, it's a pain. A real good reason for liking glass tanks---at least it will come off glass. Never use a razor blade on an acrylic tank.

anyone else have any other "lingo", post it as well
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And if there are any other words you have questions about, there's a glossary on Living Reefs, the link is at the top of the page.
Thank you. This really helps. I was sitting here figuring them out but a few took me awhile. Thanks again.