Red Zoas


Reef enthusiast
Just picked up some Red Zoas, At first they were fully extended but now that they have been in the tank an hour or so they seem to extend and retract intermittently. The flow on them is fairly strong. They are on the sand.
Wheres the pic? OMG I turned into the rest of yall demanding pics. lol
Are you serious sen!?!?!? No pictures...... HOW DARE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope your uploading them to photobucket right now. I'm disappointed. You know better sir!
Camera battery was dead. But here it is. I put a little flat rock like a wall upstream of the zoas and he opened backup, I think they can get too much flow.

oh i'm sooo jealous i want some so bad.. but the wife is all over me about the 28 bucks i spent at the LFS today.
Those are some pretty zoanthids.
As long as their not getting blasted by a direct stream from the powerheads,the flow shouldnt bother them.
And my next question is: how close can I put my small torch coral (Lil 30 or 40 polyps on the left) and those Red Zoas to each other?? Sweeper tentacles?

I've seen sweepers on torches that were close to 12" long.So I'd say that how close they are depends on which direction the flow in the tank is going.