Red sea max 250

You may not have enough light for clams, anemones and some corals. Also. these all-in-1 tanks have tight fitting hoods that can cause major heating problems. The first review says that they had just that problem. Unless you have a very cool room in the basement or A/C you may have to buy a chiller.
You may not have enough light for clams, anemones and some corals. Also. these all-in-1 tanks have tight fitting hoods that can cause major heating problems. The first review says that they had just that problem. Unless you have a very cool room in the basement or A/C you may have to buy a chiller.

I watched a youtube video and read about 'nemocysts (sic)' and what happens when an anemone dies.

Two words for you: terri-fied. I'm ok with steering clear from the Anemone route (don't get me wrong, I'd LOVE to have a nice sizable anemone in tank) plus everything I've read indicates that the tank should be incredibly established and stable. Since I myself am not really stable... etc.

As for clams, they're too much of an introvert. I need to see the emotional side of tank inhabitants...

I'm assuming the Red Sea would be along the issues I have with my BioCube regarding heat dissipation - but it was unexpectedly easy to resolve (for me). I brought in two koralia power heads and pointed them to the surface to create agitation - so far so good. In some heat extreme days I've shut the lights off and floated frozen ice bags
I had clams and anemones in my small Max without any problems. I do run a chiller on it because of the heat, but I think the newer bigger models have better and more fans to keep them cooler.

I want one so bad!