Red legged crab

Ok, so I after lots of forum reading I went against the general opinion and got a red legged crab. I watched him at the LFS for over an hour and thought he was pretty entertaining.
I've had him along with some snails for about 6 weeks now (and my clown). He is beyond fun to watch..I added some additional shells for him so he'd leave the snails alone if he needs to expand his home.
Now, the one shell I dropped in there is pretty big, maybe double him, and he LOVES it. He's all over the tank but always comes back and sits on it, crawls all over it...Why on earth is he doing this? Is he trying to see if he'd fit? It's been going on for weeks now...
The other day my bumblebee snail came out and about (haven't seen him in weeks) and he beelines (I love puns) and goes in this shell (can't fit all the way). Just hanging out. The crab come around a rock, dum dee dee, and "what the hell? That's my shell. Oh, geez, oh geez...." he's pacing, all nervous, wringing his little crab claws. A few hours later the bumblebee decamped and crabby was sooo relieved. Rushed right over...ahhh, my shell, my precious.