Red Algae?

Back to tis thread. I bought something called elephant nose snails ( a larger version of the nassarius) and they worked great on diatoms on the sand. They just pop out of the sand at night, clean it off and disappear before the lights come back on.
yup, i had the same stuff in my tank for a couple of weeks. the diamond goby did a good job of cleaning it up. i also made the mistake of using tap water to fill my tank. but have been using RO for makup water. like Dr marco said. the gobys WILL jump out of youre tank. mine committed suicide yesterday when i was at work. poor guy, he was just laying there all dried up on the floor. had to go get another today.
Fishbait,You can get some eegcrate at lowes or home depote in the lighting department.Just knotch it out around any plumbing or equipment that hangs on back of your tank.
It'll let your tank breath,and let light through,but keep your fish from jumping out.
i have the plastic pieces that hook to the glass top. i'm going to drill a bunch of half inch holes in them and put them back on. ive just been too lazy the last couple of days. also been to cold to walk from the house out to the shop and get the drill. but, mostly to lazy.