recieved my new light


Resident Photoshopper
I recieved my new light the other day and I must Say Wow Things are Oh so much Brighter

I am right around 7 Or 8 watts per gallon now. What Corals should I try For Starters Zoas, polyps, mushrooms, I will be adding a Mh light to bring my wattage up so I can Go get my Anemone Back From my LFS..
How long has your tank been running?I'm guessing 2 months...I say zoas,mushrooms,leathers,star polyps,colts,kenyas make good starter corals.Frogspawns and Hammers are really hardy LPS corals.Start out slow and see how well they are doing for a month or so.If you can be more specific,maybe I or someone else can give you recommendations.Good luck
All of what Freak said are good starter corals. I would wait a long time before reintroducing an anemone, they do best in well-established tanks, not new ones.
What kind of light did you get? T5,VHO's,or PC's?

Power compact PC Auctiva Image Hosting <--- Not my Tank lol:D

Reeffreek : It has been set up for about 4 months now Fish in this tank for 2 months ! I gave it 2 months to cure Due to me finding a clown and a Blue tang in another tank I had that tank set up as a Hospital tank for the fish and i wanted to makeshure they were healthy before I placed them in the main tank. The other tank WAS NASTY Couldnt even see the fish in there ! from what we could tell they were there for 2 months + with no food or water changes no filter or lights the PH was off the charts and the gravity was topped out as well. We got that water squared away and cured the main tank while they were in quarintine.
With PC's and your tank being four should be able to keep pretty much any soft and LPS corals but the ones I mentioned earlier are some of the hardiest ones.