Ready To Set Up?


Reefing newb
Hi. I was wondering if I was ready to set up my 28 gallon tank. Here is my list of equipment.

Whisper EX 30 HOB Filter
Marineland 100w Heater
Nova Extreme 48w HO Lighting
50 gallon Instant Ocean Reef Crystals
Penguin 660 170gph Powerhead
30 pounds Live Rock
20-40 pounds Dry Aragonite Sand

Is this all I need? I was wondering if I should uprade the Whisper from a 30 to a 45. I can't affored a protein skimmer right now so I'm going to do more frequent water changes and get a good one when I can. I'm going to have fish and soft corals.
Are you going to mix the water yourself and if so will you be using R/O water or distilled I hope. Otherwise looks like a plan.
I'd like to get an RO unit but I just can't afford it. I'm 16 and you could imagine my funds lol. I don't know how I could get that much distilled bottled water. Is it really that nessasary. My tap water is soft. I'm not sure what is in it that's bad though.
Tap water will give you an algae bloom down the road so bad you'll never forget it. Most fish stores and even some Petcos and Petsmarts will sell salt water made up. Or at least sell r/o water that you can mix. You will need to use a power head to mix the water. You can buy a plastic trash can to use to mix your water.
For the water,Most Wal-Marts,Bi-Los,ext,ext,have an RO water machine set up some where in the store where you can bring your own containers and get the water just a few cents a gallon.I the Wal-Mart has it for 33 cents a gallon.

Your filters will work,but you'll have to be anal about keeping them clean.
Now were waiting on the pics.:D
Yote is right -- the cheapest RO water you'll find will be at the grocery store or Walmart. Some have machines where you fill your own containers, and some just carry it in bottles. Petco, Petsmart and fish stores that carry RO water are going to be much more expensive than grocery stores and Walmart.

You should add test kits to your list -- the basic ones you'll need are pH, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and alkalinity.
+1 to all above.
drm180 sell your parents on an under sink unit for drinking water. Then you can also use it for your tank water.
Like the others said, you're going to have a hard time keeping your tank healthy and looking nice without high quality water - it's worth saving for. HOB filters can trap nitrates and compound algae problems if not kept very clean. A skimmer would keep the water cleaner.

Lastly, a small tank is less stable than a larger one, so def pick up the test kits the others mentioned. Also, I personally would ditch the hydrometer and get a refractometer - it's a lot more accurate, and with a smaller tank, the salinity is going to be a touch harder to manage, especially when doing water changes.
It'll work for now. You know that you need a skimmer - so save your pennies. You know that you'll need RO water - so buy it at Wal-mart for now and save some more pennies.

I'd look into a HOB refugium if I was you. Aquatraders makes some nice HOB refugiums with a built in skimmer. That will take care of all your filtration needs and it has the skimmer too.
Dump enough sand in the bottom to fill it up to the top of the baffle - usually about 6" deep. It'll take about 12lbs of sand to fill the small one up. I used this one on a couple tanks over the years. They work great. You'll need to supply your own powerhead. A Maxi-Jet 1200 works good, but if you can afford it a needle wheel pump would probably make the skimmer work a lot better.

I never used the big one, but I do have a similar sized large HOB refugium from CPR and it took about 17lbs of sand to fill it up to the top of the baffle.

The HOB type filters with the mesh cartridges kinda suck. It'll work, but you will have to be very good about cleaning it every 3 or 4 days. If you slack off on cleaning it will start producing tons of nitrates and then your tank will be a disaster. When you do a water change, take the cartridge out of the HOB filter and rinse it in the old water before you dump it down the drain. It's messy, but by using that old tank water top clean your mesh cartridge - you will save any bacteria living on the mesh and you'll get rid of the sludge and gunk at the same time.

If you simply took that cartridge out and rinsed it in tap water - you will kill all the beneficial bacteria on it. Don't do that. Rinse it in old tank water.

Most of those cartridge filters have carbon inside the mesh bag. Buy a big huge container of carbon and replace the carbon in your mesh cartridge weekly when you do the water changes and rinse the mesh. It takes about 1/2 cup of carbon to refill those mesh bags - so a big jug of carbon for $20 should last you about a year.

I buy this 3.65L activated carbon:
Aquarium Filtration & Water Quality: Marineland Diamond Chemical Filtration Media

Your lights are kinda low on the wattage. You don't even have 2 watts per gallon of water yet. Look for a used clamp-on metal halide. I would look into adding some more light in the very near future. Mushrooms might do okay under 48w in a 28g tank if you keep them up in the middle of the tank, but I don't think they would survive on the bottom of the tank unless it's a very shallow tank.

It'll work, but you are going to need to do some upgrades in the first 6 months. Just go slow. Don't get more than 2 fish so your bio load stays low. I'd get an assortment of snails and crabs for your clean-up crew (CUC). Maybe 1 or 2 small turbo snails. About 10 astrea snails. Maybe 5 or 10 cerith snails. If you have more than 1" of sand in the tank get 2 or 3 nessarius snails. I'd go with red leg hermits and blue legs. Get about 15 crabs total.

Cycle it with a raw shrimp from the grocery store deli or you can just drop about 1/2 cube of frozen food in there. Wait 6-8 weeks and test it. When your ammonia and nitrites are both ZERO - check for nitrates. If nitrates are under 10ppm you're fine. If over 10ppm do a 50% water change and let it sit another week.

Don't cycle it with fish and be patient. Nothing good happens fast in a reef tank. Only bad things happen fast in reefing.

Good luck and post some pics soon!!
Wow, I am so impressed! Not even a tinge of rudeness in that post, RC! I guess you are sticking to your new year's resolution!! ;)
haha, who stole RC's id??
Good post - the only thing I'd say is that all those snails & crabs at once might be too many, I think half of them would starve. I don't even have that many in my 75 gallon.
Okay thanks for the advice. I do have a test kit, I forget to mention it. My water is very soft if that makes a difference. Can someone explain what exactly is in tap water that makes it so bad?
I just noticed there was a second page. That is a whole lot of great information RC. Thanks a lot! That protein skimmer/refugium is a good one? That price works for me but I don't want to have to upgrade.
I got mine on ebay its like this one mine works great and it comes with a great price check it out go to ebay and type in theis item # Item number:120433197604
Zero 0 ppm Reef 6st Reverse Osmosis RO+DI Water Filters


this company offers this unit for $95 + free shipping

I'd like to get an RO unit but I just can't afford it. I'm 16 and you could imagine my funds lol. I don't know how I could get that much distilled bottled water. Is it really that nessasary. My tap water is soft. I'm not sure what is in it that's bad though.
Tap water can contain chlorine, phosphates, heavy metals etc, all of which can increase nuisance algae and/or poison your tank inhabitants.
Downside of RODI water is that it has a high rejection rate, so a good chunk of the water is used to make a smaller portion of cleaned water. Your parents might be annoyed at the increase in water bill - it's still going to be cheaper than buying water at the LFS or walmart, I believe. Plus, with a 29g, you won't be making too much water.

But going with RODI will help your tank significantly, unless you like that covered in hair algae appearance.
Do you know of anything cheaper than what is above. I think I can afford that but more off would be great. How hard are these things to install and how do you use them. Under the kitchen sink? I know how the purification in it works but nothing else.