Read this before you waste several hundred $$$


Reef enthusiast
I replaced the filters on my PureWaterClub RO filter a week ago and noticed the waste water outlet was continuously pouring water out even when the valve on the RO faucet was turned off. I ordered a brand new "450 ml water restrictor" and replaced it today and the waste water still pours water out when the RO faucet is off! God knows how much water poured down the drain before I noticed it. I'm pretty much finished with Purewaterclub.

Are you sure your valve isn't broken? They need to be replaced every so often. I'm talking about the valve that has a needle that you rotate to turn on and off. No water should be passing through that if it's working properly. There's no way water can be going through the waste water line if that valve is turned off. You can get one of those needle valves at any hardware store. It sounds like that's your problem, and that has nothing to do with the RODI unit. There's a tiny O-ring in the valve that gets shot pretty easily.
If it was the RO membrane you replaced and possibly did not get it in right or if it were defective then that could be causing a problem. I usually go back and check what I did that may be causing the problem if it shows up right after I did something.
Sen,you didn't make any sense to me.What does the waste water line have to do with the main line?If water is still coming out of the waste line when the main line is turned off then it's something with the main line.What does that restrictor have anything to do with it.

People can bash the customer service all they want and maybe rightly so.I've never had a problem with the units ever.
You need to replace you're auto shutoff valve, that is what stops the "waste" water from continuing to flow when the output is shut off (from a float valve or such). Otherwise, if that is not working when the float valve shuts the pure water output off, the waste water output will come out even faster, all the flow restictor does is slow down that flow so not all of it will pass out but rather through the membrane. However, this has nothing to do with it running once you're output stops, that's the autoshut off valve.
Man...I'd hate to see your waterbill! When I was filling up my 125g w/ the rodi, it ran for 2 1/2 days straight, and my bill hit the 3 digits.
Really? I run my Pure Water Club RODI unit all the time, and my water bill has never been above $40. Even when I filled my 90, which included another 75 gallons of sump and fuge volume.
I got a $600+ waterbill once. After I showed em the reciept from where the plumber found the leak and fixed it they reduced it. I think it still ended up being over 300 bucks though.

The auto top off is a valve that once pressure on the pure outlet rises enough it will shut stopping all flow. However if there were a leak in the membrane or the membrane wasn't fit in just right your pure water side would never reach this pressure therefore continuing to flow. Since you didn't have the problem before you changed your membrane I would really suspect that over the autoshutoff valve.
You need to replace you're auto shutoff valve, that is what stops the "waste" water from continuing to flow when the output is shut off (from a float valve or such). Otherwise, if that is not working when the float valve shuts the pure water output off, the waste water output will come out even faster, all the flow restictor does is slow down that flow so not all of it will pass out but rather through the membrane. However, this has nothing to do with it running once you're output stops, that's the autoshut off valve.

Some people do not have enough pressure at the inlet side of their unit to activate the ASO. In that case, you need a booster pump, not a new ASO. Check the pressure first, then you may or may not need a new ASO