Re-auqascaping my tank?


Reef enthusiast
Well, it's time for me to do my weekly water change tonight and I want to rescape my tank. There is all types of junk on my sand in the hard to reach corners of the tank as well as in the caves. I'd like to suction all that crap out. I'm also thinking about stirring up the sand, but I think this can cause my tank to go bank into anothe cycle. So what I'm asking is does anyone reccommend mixing up the sand and the rescape? I don't want to mess things up again just when I have the water conditions going pretty good. The reason I want to change things up is due to coral growth and I just see what it could be vs. what it is.

well #1 and I have both reaquascaped our 210 gallon tank a couple of times since we set it up 6 months ago and even though we have it hasnt changed our water conditions or caused any spikes in it as long as you dont take out too much water and stiring the sand up shouldnt cause much if any kind of spike in your tank
The only thing is,you still run the risk of stirring up some bad ju-ju when re-scaping or stirring the sand.If it a DSB,I wouldnt touch it.
I personally would not stir up the sand. You will have an ammonia spike from that. Why not get a bullet goby or some nassirus snails to do it for you.
Re-aquascaping won't cause any troubles. The trouble will come from releasing the :pooh: in your sand if you stir it, on purpose. Anything stirred up by you picking up and moving rocks shouldn't create any trouble, just be easy about it :D.
Well, I decided to wait on the rescape until I read some of your responses. I'll be doing it tonight instead. No mixing of the sand for me. I'll just move around the LR and suction out the garbage on top of the sand. Thanks for your help!
Yep I have had good luck with my k2 in the back of my rock......also I lost 2 hermits and a nassirus snail while moving careful as I was about looking where I put things I guess I managed to burry some of my CUC