I've decided to add some UV LEDs to my set up through Rapid LED, hoping this will help my red/purple/pink colors rebound in my tank. From everything I've read online, the UV end of the spectrum is really what needs to be added to the AI Sols. Some have experimented with adding red color, but the consensus seems to be that while this helps from a visual standpoint, it is really the UV supplementation that corrects the color shift. So I've been in touch with Rapid LED and am going to add solderless LEDs. My question for you guys is what kind of optics should I go with? I can do 60 or 80 degree lenses. For now I am just going to do 2 strings of them with 3 LEDs each in between my two AIs. If they work well, then I will add two more strings on the outside of my AIs. The LEDs put out a little over 2 watts each, and I can get the whole set up for around $90.
On a separate topic, I'm also thinking of going with a Par38 bulb from them for over my 10g. Has anyone used one of their Par38 bulbs before? Do you like them? I'm hoping I can ask them to switch out 2 of the RBs for 2 UVs instead.
On a separate topic, I'm also thinking of going with a Par38 bulb from them for over my 10g. Has anyone used one of their Par38 bulbs before? Do you like them? I'm hoping I can ask them to switch out 2 of the RBs for 2 UVs instead.