quick question

Coralline algae is tricky and it requires many things to be right in your tank(a starter rock with some on it to start for one thing,,it won't just appear if you never had any to start)...I've gone 5+ years and still don't have a significant amount,,just dime sized blotches here and there...I have actually heard from some people they noticed it taking off and spreading in areas not very well lit in their tank...to be honest i think the people who have wish they didn't and the people who don't do want it...:lol:
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I agree with OhNoNemo :)

I have 6 T-5's accross my tank and I only seem to notice growth on the back/underside's of rocks(in the shade) =/

Also I have these damn Astrena Stars eating it all =(

Annnd, I hear higher Alk helps...
i was never able to really get coraline going that well until I switched to tropic marin bio-calcium. now everything in my tank is covered, even in the shade. the bad part is that it cakes up my glass very quickly and because of my coral and rock positioning I can't clean it as well as I'd like to. o the things I'd do different on my next reef tank.....
In my 55g tank with only 2 54 watt t5 bulbs it's growing like crazy every were. I use the purple up stuff twice a week
Personally i wouldn't use it,,i think its just calcium anyway..
Be careful with it...and i would test your water frequently ..
Having the correct wavelength for coralline growth will do more than just randomly tossing in calcium. The more "blue" your light is, the faster your coralline will grow.