

Reef enthusiast
Thermometers for a 30 gallon tank?

Also for live rock I'm gonig to get it from Liveaquaria

Should I get the standard which is $90 for 45 lbs
or premium for $120 for 45 lbs

They said standard is 40-70% covered in coralline premium 70-95 or something.

I was thinking standard because it's going to spread.

Since the tank isn't that big I'm not going to bother with baserock.

Also how much sand do I get for bottom, live or not?
Go with the standard. I don't think it's worth it to pay extra for coralline already being there, you're right, it will spread anyways.

You can get any thermometer that you want. I just get the regular alcohol based ones from Petco or Petsmart. They only cost a couple bucks. I have a digital one on my tank, but I keep that alcohol one on hand to double check the accuracy of the digital one.

Around 30 lbs of sand should be fine, that will give you a sandbed around 1 to 2 inches deep.
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I use two of the Coralife digital thermometers,one in the sump and one in the tank.About $6 each from Dr. Fosters and Smith.

The live rock is a personal preference and what you wanting to spend.For me,I can't stand waiting for live rocks to perk up,I usually go for the ones with the most coralline coverage.

60lbs of sand will give you about 2'' bed.Here the choice is up to you but I would go dry and seed with a cupful of live or do 80% dry/20% live.
Two 50w. Visi-therm Stealth heaters just in case one sticks.These are heater that are inside plastic cases,less likely to break.

Yep,Reefs drove that nail home.
Your better off with 2 small heaters than one bigger heater.That way if one happens to stick on,you wont cook the tank.
I too like the Caribsea the best.I like the sugar size or slightly larger.Remember the finer the sand the easier it is to get blown around.I have some weird hills because mine is pretty fine.If you buy online then it from Dr.Fosters and Smith,they don't charge extra for overweight items.I bought 250lbs from them for only $15 shipping.