
I've heard of people doing that.

My advice:
10% water changes once a week and leave the vodka in the liquor cabinet.
The only reason for the vodka(carbon source) or sugar(another carbon source) is for extremely high nitrates and phosphates.
You have to be extremely careful about the dosage,or you'll crash the tank.
But if your set on dosing something that,then look at Brightwell Aquatics Bio Reef Fuel.
Its a carbon source also,but is made for using in a tank.Vodka is made for drinking.
That is a VERY advanced technique I definately WOULDNT recommend it for someone new to the hobby
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Ive thought of dosing vodka, but the schedule of doing so is very indepth. To much work and not really worth it. The only guys ive seen do it are the ones that have full blown SPS tanks.
I've read up quite a bit on vodka dosing, and it is very delicate. You can easily overdose and kill everything in your tank. I'd suggest doing a lot of research on that method before trying it, and as others have pointed out, only use it as a last resort. It does work -- but a lot of tanks end up A) overdosing or B) becoming "immune" to it and you need to dose more and more to get the same effect (kinda like an alcoholic person haha) and both these scenarios lead to a tank crash.
Same here on the vodka thing the only i have been having is the belly that comes with drinking!!!!!!.......LOL

haha, then go with light rum instead. significantly less calories and it takes just as good to me. In fact, I've got some in hand now. Luckily my dosing schedule for rum is way easier.... :beerchug:
Is it okay to use some spicy tomato juice when dosing with vodka? Or is it best straight? How 'bout the celery stick? Will my Tangs eat it?