Broke Reefer!
I know this isn't really the place to ask freshwater questions, but I'm hoping someone can help out. One of the people I work with recently got a betta fish and has it in an aquarium at home. He came to me today for help because he's gotten a white fuzzy growth all over his substrate and decorations. He said he cleaned the tank a few days ago (just rinsing the filter and decorations with hot water) and that the growth came back again very quickly. He's using distilled water and not using any sorts of chemicals in the tank. All rocks and decorations were purchased new. He wonders if he should just throw the rocks out and buy a new bag of them, but I'm not sure that's where the problem lies. I know nothing about freshwater aquariums so thought I'd see if anyone here can help ID what the white growth is and what he can do to get rid of it.