

Reefing newb
would you all quarantine the first fish you got for your tank? im picking up two clowns on monday, and theres nothing else in the tank besides inverts. still qt?
you dont really have to, but i would just because if they had something on them from the store, you dont want anything to go wrong with your display, but thats up to you, some people do and some people dont
Yes, Qtank everything. If a fish can live for three weeks in a qtank it should be fine to go in a reeftank. Qtanks allow you to use medications like copper if needed that cant otherwise be used.
I agree with Hawks. You can't use copper in your main tank if you ever plan on having inverts, so in case you do need to treat the new fish, they need to be in the QT first.
Pool I hate to rain on your parade but make sure you didn't start a mini cycle or a full cycle adding and moving all this rock and sand. In the last week you have doubled your rock and completely replaced your C/C with live sand. Just some food for thought.
ive had the lfs check my water three times since i replaced everything. the readings havent fluctuated drastically.

ammonia 0
nitrate 10-12 ppm
nitrites 0
alkalinity 10.6 dkh
QT is a good idea,but if you pay close attention to what your getting,you can get away without it.But it does pay to have one on hand if its needs quick.
QT is a good idea,but if you pay close attention to what your getting,you can get away without it.But it does pay to have one on hand if its needs quick.
i agree with yote...i have good vendor-client relation with my LFS, so when im gonna buy fish or invert, i know they take good care of them, and dont sell nothing if they suspects thats is ill, i watch the fish for a while to see if its eating , how it swimms etc...so when i bring it home , i just acclimate it and drop it in the tank...is a risk anyways, but i try always to buy the best, cause i know is not easy or economical to have a QT..but to reduce the risk, take time in what are you buying, build trust and converse with your LFS..some fish stores takes good care of their stock (some), and has an employe that is there 7 to 7 taking care of fish and inverts better than us, with more equipment etc...
Thats kinda what helps me out.I work part time at the LFS here.So I get first pick of the livestock when it comes in.Plus I can watch it in the store,I know how its treated and handled once it comes through the door.I know what the tank the animal goes is treat for and with.So I just have a Qtank handy just in case.